Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Shape-Shifting to Navigate the Real World

Beings of light,

Let’s resume, revisit and celebrate the lighter blog. The past few weeks have been heavy and saturated with my philosophies on spirituality and I’m feeling some needed buoyancy and humor. I have listed interesting insights gathered from “attempting” to reintegrate into the real world, a/k/a, NYC. Talk about going from one extreme to another... I also attended local events in the Berkshires and practiced shape-shifting into an 80’s diva at the volunteer 80’s party all in an attempt to prepare for integration. My life is not the same and I like that. I see through a different lens now, the zen lens. The world is a scary place. Do I fit in? Does it matter if I fit in?…I hope I can take my hippie-self back out there and navigate the system.

Questions for the universe...
-80’s party best dressed had my name all over it. I won the glitter putty prize but got a strain in my foot for dancing too long in metallic heels. Had my feet forgotten what heels feel like?
-I walk everywhere, including to a recent concert at Tanglewood. I also walked back happily without a flashlight at night with a friend although it was so dark I could only see her outline. Have I lost my fear of the dark?
-I’ve begun a gluten-free diet. Barring the Brooklyn pizza tour with the Greif's this weekend in NYC, I’m testing the waters by not eating anything with gluten including bread, pasta, cereal, muffins etc. My favorite meal at Kripalu is steamed veggies, brown rice, lentil Dahl, kale, olive oil and nutritional yeast all mixed together. Yum! Why is kale underrated by American families?
-In the train on the way to NYC I noticed that no one looks at anyone, but I looked at them anyway and smiled. Why don’t people acknowledge each other? Do they think they're wearing invisibility cloaks? Hello, I see you.
-At the Tanglewood contemporary music festival, I sat in yoga poses on the grass while listening to the music. I wonder if I could sit in yoga postures at staff meetings at Broward House or at the movie theater?
-Television (the little I saw over the weekend) really really scared me and I couldn't’t relate at all. What does that mean and what will I do with my television when I get home?
-In the big city, I bowed my head and gave a silent thank you for each meal. I noticed when I looked up everyone at the table was looking at me. Is offering gratitude not the norm?
-I meditated in the morning in my lovely in-laws apartment and realized that the drilling of concrete outside sent me deeper into meditation. Could drilling and something more peaceful like rain drops be on a similar frequency?
-At every corner and turn in New York I went, no trees existed. I miss them with a little ache in my little heart. If trees could talk what would they say to me?
-I caught myself at the local gas station telling the attendant “Namaste” and putting my hands in prayer to acknowledge her. I only realized that it was weird to do that because she had confusion written all over her face. Will the confusion reaction deter me in the future from spewing Sanskrit at the universe?
-Why are there so many squares and boxes? Think about it: cars, subways, rooms, beds, boxed lunches, shoe boxes, wallets, trays, etc. Is this a conspiracy to keep us limited? Why aren't more things shaped like a hexagon?

Troubling things about the real world:
-Excessive concrete, steel and make-up
-Diminished eye-contact, hellos and human connection
-Restricting or tight clothes or shoes
-Limited kale supply
-Abundance of egos
-The loud noise of a train door closing in between cars
-The speed in which taxi driver’s drive
-The people in line who cut me (well this one is very personal)
-People talking negatively about anyone or anything
-Broken-down buildings
-Broken-down consciousness

If you haven't noticed, I am weird because:
-I receive automatic electricity shots of insight of people’s lives as I look at them pass me by in the street
-I communicate with archangels
-I see many colors when I meditate
-I massage my own aura in the morning
-I still scrape my tongue in the morning
-I sing in Sanskrit
-I go to bed doing pranayama
-I feel for my own chakras and tell them the things they want to hear
-I practice being a shaman in journey dance
-I am open and emotionally honest
-I’m so in love with myself (that's actually true)

Ways a weird girl can navigate around feeling troubled by the real world…
-Create a Candice Space Suit bubble, or CSS, that protects me from the outside, harsh world
-Similarly create a "negativity sunscreen" or NS, SPF 100
-Wear an invisibility cloak
-Get a fancy Men in Black “memory eraser” for when I use too much Sanskrit or throw out too many Jai Bhagwans to unsuspecting unprepared persons needing to be reprogrammed
-Write a letter to Willy Wonka and petition to live in his factory and teach. You never know, yoga could be good for them
-Invent a “Tree in Your Pocket” or TIYP, which is a mini tree that can fit in my purse and give me joy and prana, anytime I want
-Just speak and write only in acronyms
-Bring my yoga mat with me everywhere
-Hire an interpreter
-Buy a t-shirt that reads: “I love kale, what’s it to you?”

Do you have any ideas of how I can navigate the real world when I return? I'd love your opinions on this...

Jai Bhagwan folks,
May your week be filled with sun and joy!


  1. I love you! You are NOT weird, You are a Beautiful UNIQUE gift from the Universe! (*tears*) I am so blessed to have you in my life!
    Much Love,

  2. I love kale!! ...and you!! :)
