Monday, July 19, 2010

A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words...

Dear children of the universe,

Ironic that I say a picture is worth a thousand words and I don't have any posted this week. I actually took amazing photos and went to adventurous places but the internet in my dorm moves at a snail's pace so it takes 15 minutes for each picture to upload. Essentially you will have no pictures until next week (cue droopy music). Osho says that the most profound things in life cannot be explained with words because they are beyond language. I’ll borrow that quote for this week to rationalize my way out of a long blog and molasses downloading. The only request I have is for you to imagine the images since I don't have actual ones. I'm also quite tired, I just started the journey dance teacher training on Sunday night and I'm dancing, hopping, twirling, gliding, sweating, chakra cleansing, shamanic shaking and everything in between for 10 hours a day for the next 6 days; but more on that next week. So humor me and imagine what these below places and experiences would look like. Then next week when I can breathe and get to a place of swifter internet access, you can compare your impressions with the actual photos.

This week I ventured off property and into the exciting world of the Berskires. I was asked to go on a bike ride for my work because one of the regular guides cancelled so I rode behind the pack cheering on a woman who wanted to quit and felt a mini-training session kicking in for the SMART Ride 7. We rode our bikes into Tanglewood (a wonderful vast property and the outdoor summer home of the Boston symphony orchestra). The stages are wooden and open up to the lawn like an open heart. People bring picnic baskets and relax on the lawn for the performances. I also went to Jacob's Pillow, an outdoor magnificent stage in the forest that hosts international dancers and free public viewings. I went with 10 other volunteers and we laid on blankets in front of the stage to get a great view. After, we pretended to be dancers and found odd things to stand on to do yoga poses. Before the yoga dance training started on Sunday night, I spent the day out and drove 45 minutes to Williamstown by myself to "The Clark" museum to experience the "Picasso Looks At Degas" exhibit, quite an engaging and witty collection of art....I loved it. On the way back I asked for spiritual guidance on a lunch spot and I immediately spotted "Bob's Country Kitchen" on the side of the road and across the street from a house with a working well. Too good to be true and only in the Berkshires I thought, so of course I stopped in for a veggie burger and tomato rice soup. Bob greeted me on my way in and out. I wish I saved room for the peanut butter chocolate cream pie. (Sorry folks, I didn't get a picture of that but I'm sure you can taste it anyway). In Kripalu news, I sat on the lawn on Saturday night to observe the "Holistic Hoopers," a California crew who were here teaching a program for the weekend on hula-hooping. They set their hoops on fire and gave us a great show. I should have taken that program (kicking myself)... somehow I feel like I was made to dance with a hula hoop on fire....someday folks, someday. Odd news: I spent a day this past week in complete silence. They call it "In Loving Silence" at Kripalu and you can get a badge that says that phrase from the front desk if you want to practice a day of meditation. I love how only at Kripalu everyone knows what it means and takes great care to support you in that place by seeing you and acknowledging you, but not expecting that you speak. However, if I wore it to Publix in Florida people wouldn't even notice. It was a cool experience to spend over 12 hours without talking, you should try it sometime. I don't know where you would go to be supported in that but it would be an interesting social experiment to see if people notice.

I will send my aching muscles to bed now, another day of dancing tomorrow, can't way to say more about that next promised.

In light and love,

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