Monday, June 21, 2010

Summer Solstice Week, I’d Rather Be Outside…

The sun shines like an endless heat lamp; sharing love and energy with the world. The powers of the sun combined with the loving and giving vibe of the trees make this week’s blog hard to nail down. I’d much rather be doing other things at Kripalu then sitting in front of my computer, but this could be progress for me. I’ve listed below all of the things I’m daydreaming of that I did this week. So as you read them, imagine me there.

I have found solace in an old tree which I learned is one of three that exist in North America--a Scottish Elm. I describe her as a “she” because that’s the vibe I get. People around here call her “the grandmother” and she is over 150 years old. Her branches twist and turn and wind tightly together forming an umbrella of protection for the people beneath her. From the outside, the leaves look like a fort or wall not giving away the secret of the strength in the branches. I sat under her a while but found it nice to admire her from afar too.

I have begun to go running outside which is quite a feat since the hills are steep and the altitude is weird. It felt great to run today though, being the longest day of the year, with the sun shining in my face and all. I feel like when the sun blinds with brightness it's like a relative who pinches your cheeks; you wince, but you secretly like it. Truly, a Jai Bhagwan moment friends.

I’d also rather be in the woods on a trail that leads to a fancy creek. We went there for our weekly volunteer study group on karma yoga. We were led by a volunteer coordinator with sage burning from the front so the smoke trickled back as we walked in a line and in silence. We sat amongst a circle of hemlock trees as high as the sky. Running water ran next to us and it was magical. I snuck down there to splash fresh water on my face, I can still feel the crispness.

There’s this beautiful meditation spot with Ganesha and various other amulets and offerings tucked away in the forest. I sat there on a day where the universe really, REALLY, wanted me to slow down. The universe is quite witty and cunning in that it went out of its way to cancel longstanding weekly events, leave me with poems and pepper in quotes and people to remind me to simply do nothing. I read this daily meditation by Osho, randomly of course, that emphasized the absolute divinity in doing nothing; how blasphemous? It said that the ego is fixated on doing because the mind can be busy and sent away from diving inward. It expanded this notion by describing how doing nothing requires courage to see the true self. While I fought this philosophy, I yielded to the signs from the universe to be inactive. I was clearly humbled after my nose bleed a few weeks ago so I dare not play with spiritual signs any longer. I paused at the alter in the woods and meditated for a while. I also thought it was a good place to thrown down a warrior yoga pose as a way to surrender to the moment and the stillness.

I’d also like to be engrossed in the mystical rather than indoors in a boxed room. I’ve gone to a few workshops over the past week on energy work and that has generated excitement in me. I have done some creative meditations that combine movement and expressive arts for healing. I had a lengthy and sassy conversation with my headaches through drawing, writing and meditating and learned that I am giving them to myself, who knew? (cue gasp and sarcasm). I stayed later in another workshop to ask about honing abilities and was told that I am already able to "channel" and do “automatic writing” using goddess and angel energies for healing purposes (you can google both quoted phrases to learn more). The speaker giving me this info is a wise woman who has studied energy work for over 20 years and is a master teacher at Kripalu. This news does resonate with me since much of what I do with clients feels a lot like it’s coming from the divine, instead of me. It also gives me permission to wear more scarves. I believe that scarves are worn by goddesses and hippie-magical beings so now I consider myself cool enough to stand near that genre. I’m not in the club just yet, but I’m outside waiting in line to get in.

A few other things I’d rather be doing…..
-dancing and sweating to live drumming
-eating smashed yams with crushed almonds and butter
-buying foreign jewelry in a store called “Inspired Planet” which is run by a mysterious worldly man with lots of mixed energy
-tanning at the lake
-finger painting
-wearing a heavy backpack; I had a weird but obvious revelation this week that my backpack is not about materialism and attachment but about grounding….that’s why I like it so much and that’s why I put so many books in there… to make it weighted of course. Gosh darn, my subconscious is so much smarter than my conscious mind!!!!! I feel safe, warm, fuzzy and anchored to mother earth. I knew there was cleverness in me somewhere.
-drinking tea; preferably peppermint, ginger, chai, or the relaxing blend

May the sun shine brightly today and always,
Love, light and peace friends,


  1. Karen MarkowitzJune 22, 2010

    great entry this week. love the relative-cheek pinching analogy. so true and quite perfect. the nature there seems just beautiful. glad you are enjoying it so much. : )
    miss u,

  2. sonya hankersonJune 22, 2010

    keep diving into life and you will continue to come up with riches untold. The grandma tree is doing a yoga pose of her own. You are loved and you are love so stay sweet my lovely lady of freeness

  3. Jill MostalJune 25, 2010

    Miss you Candice!
